
by Portal FACOM
Published: 10/05/2019 - 09:41
Last modification: 27/06/2019 - 11:48

Information Systems (campus Santa Monica) Undergraduate Program Courses:


Introduction to Information Systems: Difference between System and Information System (IS); Importance of IS in organizations; Types of IS; IS professional main activities.

Algorithms and Programming 1: Introduction to computing; Numeric systems; Solving problems by algorithms and logical reasoning; Programming language (data types, variables, constants, operators, expressions, instructions); Homogeneous data types (arrays); Heterogeneous data types (struct).

Logic to Computer Science: Propositional Logic (language, syntax, semantics and semantic properties, methods for determining the validity of formulas); Deductive systems; Predicate logic of first order (language, quantifiers, syntax, semantics, semantic properties).

Accounting and Balance Sheet Analysis: Accounting Study Field and objects; Basic concepts (assets, liability and net equity); Basic notions relating to accounting (property, structure, variation and accounting records); Revenues and expenses; Chart of accounts; Enterprise cost analysis; Break-even point (Cost-Volume-Profit - CVP - Analysis). Standard cost accounting; Variable cost accounting; Absorption cost accounting; Contribution margin.

Informatics and Society: Aspects relating to Informatic professional (social, economic, moral, legal); Ethics in Informatics (personal, institutional, professional, public); Privacy and ownership of personal data; Ethnic-racial relations, indigenous relations and human rights.


Fundamentals about Marketing: Marketing concepts and definitions; Marketing administration (concepts and definitions); Marketing mix; Marketing environment; Market share.

Algorithms and Programming 2: Pointers; Dynamic memory allocation; Functions; Passing arguments (by value and by reference); Recursion; Files.

Calculus 1: Real numbers and functions; Limits and continuity; Derivatives and derivative applications; Indefinite integral; Definite integral.

Business Management: Enterprise (concepts, goal, structure, resources allocation and life cycle); Management (styles and roles); Management functions; Decision-making process; Business strategy (competitiveness and organizational environment).


Architecture and Organization of Computers: History of computers; von Neumann architecture, Numeric systems; Boolean logic; Logical gates; Completeness of gates NAND and NOR; Binary codes (two-complement); Floating point (IEEE754); Error correction and parity bit; Combinatorial circuits (arithmetic, decoder, error detection); Memory and sequential circuits; Mealy model and Moore model; Finite state machine; Instruction set architecture; Assembly, assembler and link editor; Memory hierarchy (cache memory);  UCP performance. evaluation; Execution instruction cycle; Pipelining; CISC and RISC architecture; Computing systems overview.

Object-Oriented Programming: Fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (classes, objects, attributes/states, methods/behaviors, messages, types, classes, instantiation, polymorphism, encapsulation, constructors and destructors); Abstractions; Generalization; Subclasses and Super Classes; Inheritance; Multiple inheritance and interfaces Aggregation; Composition; Object-oriented programming process (modeling and design); Case studies.

Linear Algebra: Matrix, determinant and Linear system; Vector space; Linear transformations; Eigenvalue and Eigenvector; Norm and inner product.

Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals (origins, importance, characteristics, types of entrepreneur); Innovation, creativity, ideas and opportunities (concepts, similarities and inter-relations); Identification of opportunities; Business plan(concepts, objectives, elements); Operational aspects of a business.

Data Structures 1: Principles of algorithm analysis; Abstract data types. List (static and dynamic structure, respective algorithms and implementation); List (static and dynamic structure, respective algorithms and implementation); Stack List (static and dynamic structure, respective algorithms and implementation).


Operating Systems: History of operating systems; Processes and threads; Process (communication, concurrence); Memory management; Input/Output system; File system.

Database 1: Database system Overview; Architecture of a database system; Conceptual data model (Entity-Relationship model); Logical data model (relational model); Relational database design (functional dependency, keys, normalization); Data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML); SQL.

Data Structures 2:Graphs; Trees; Hashing; Data Compression, Secondary storage structures.

Software Development Process: Software overview; Software requirements; Software development process; Software modeling; Software architecture. Approaches to implementing a software architecture; Safety and security concerns.

Mathematics for Computer Science: Induction and recursion; Set theory (set, cardinality, function, relation, order and lattices); Theory of numbers (great common divisor, prime numbers, modularity); Combinatorics (permutation, combination, recurrence); Asymptotic behavior.


Computer Networks: Introduction to computer networks and the Internet; Local networks (wired and wireless); TCP/IP architecture (layers, services and main protocols); TCP/IP Addressing and Routing; Troubleshooting in TCP/IP networks.

Database 2: Vision; Stored procedure; Triggers; Transactions management; Database management; Development of database applications.

Mobile Devices Programming: Introduction to mobile devices; Mobile devices architecture and mobile devices platforms; Popular platforms market share; Environment and development tools for mobile devices; Development of an application for Android platform; Development of an application for non-Android platform; Multiplatform development (tools and techniques).

Software Quality Management: Concept of quality relating to software; Quality point of views; Software quality management (verification and validation); Software quality metrics (size-oriented, function-oriented, people-oriented); Tools to support software quality management.

Statistics: Fundamentals of statistics; Statistical method phases; Data organization; Measures (central tendency and position); Measures of dispersion; Probability theory; Random variables; Random variables distribution models; Theoretical distributions (approximations and adjustments); Sampling; Sample distribution; Confidence intervals; Parametric hypothesis tests.


Distributed Systems: Motivation to distributed systems; Communication, concurrence and synchronization among distributed processes; Distributed systems (models and architectures); Consistency among processes; Coordination and agreement; Fault tolerance; Distributed transaction; Case studies.

Information Organization and Information Retrieval: Main concepts (document, word and term); Document indexing(term extraction, stopwords, stemming, creation of an index); Thesauri; Query processing models; Evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems; IR in semi-structured documents; Document classification; IR on the Web.

Web Development 1: Historical aspects of the Internet and the Web; Theoretical aspects about Web systems; Web development technologies; Web graphic interfaces; Document Object Model (DOM); Languages for creating Web graphical interfaces; Languages and tools for improving Web graphical interfaces; Web systems architectures; Fundamental concepts about the development of dynamic websites; Development of dynamic web applications with PHP; Basic aspects of Web safety and security; Database interaction with in Web systems.

Project Management in Information Technology (IT): IT project(characteristics and main causes of failure); Project management (life cycle, critical components, methods, techniques and tools).

Data Science 1: Introduction to Data Science (DS). Differences and relations between data, information and knowledge; Structured data, semi-structured data and non-structured data; Applicability of DS in Information Technology real problems; Data preparation; Data characterization; Metrics (similarity and dissimilarity); Data classification methods; Data regression.


Economics: Economic sciences (nature and methods); Microeconomics; Macroeconomics.

Human-Computer Interaction – HCI: Fundamental of HCI; HCI Aspects (human, technological); User interfaces and user interaction (types, devices); Usability and universal design; Human-centered design (rules and patterns); Prototyping techniques; Usability evaluation; Hypermedia systems and Web; Mobile computing and ubiquitous computing; HCI project (design, implementation and evaluation).

Web Development 2: Web development environments using Java; MVC architecture pattern in Web application; Modern frameworks for multi-layer Web development; HTTP; Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP); Object-Relational Mapping (ORM); Dependency injection; Inversion of Control (IoC); Control of dependency; Version control; Code repositories; Unitary tests; Web services; Asynchronous communication between client and server on websites; Security aspects about SSL digital certificate (authentication and authorization); Implementation aspects of e-commerce application.

Operational Research – OR: Fundamentals of OR; Modeling; Linear programming; Simplex Method; Duality; Optimization in networks; Transportation problems.

Data Science 2: Clustering. Clustering methods (partitioning, hierarchical, density-based and others); Clustering algorithms; Measurements and metrics of quality in clustering; Practical applications of clustering; Mining frequent patterns; Outlier detection; Current Topics and Advanced Topics in Data Science.

Graduation Project 1: Scientific research protocol; Research structure and research planning (theme, statement of the problem, objectives and justifications); Writing a research text (hypotheses, theoretical references, quotations, article, monography); Research plan for the graduation project (specification of a problem and a computational solution under scientific methodology).


Innovation and Knowledge Management: Innovation; Knowledge management; Knowledge management and Innovation processes.

Information Security and Auditing: Fundamentals of Auditing and Security in Information Systems – IS; Properties of information; Backup Introduction to encryption Network security; System security; Security in IS; Contingency planning and continuity planning. Security auditing; Certifications.

Law: Structure of the State; Power of the State; Fundamental rights; Telematic contracts (consumer protection code); Fundamentals of copyright; Software law; Internet law; Privacy on Internet; Cybercrimes.

Graduation Project 2: Writing a monography relating to the project that was planned in Graduation Project 1, under the advising of a professor.